The Good Life

Monday, December 05, 2005


Something wrong with my Internet connection, which makes me unable to log on.

Sucks, as I regularlt visit to read intersting news. Now no connection, my hand itch like hell and my eyes are restless.

Addiction? Someone pass me the pills please.

My nipples are still hurting from the abrasion after the marathon. Shit of an experience man.

When can you litter the place without fear of getting punish?

Standard Chartered marathon!

Where can you see lots of sporty babes?

Standard Chartered marathon!

When do you keep telling yourself "There is no pain" although your whole body is in tamade great pain?

Standard Chartered marathon!

When do you see a hot babe in a hot cheerleading attire, jumping up and down in front of you and offering you a high five, but your first thought is "Don't irritate me further"?

Standard Charterd marathon!

Man, I'm still limping around.


"Wahhh!!! Don't come near! My nipples still hurt! But I don't mind you giving me a massage.."


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