The Good Life

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Let There Be Sikhs (Or Little Sikhs)

Before ISA arrest me for flaming racial riots, I want to declare my innocence first. I have nothing against them, and this little entry is just my observation at a hawker center. Then why are you discriminating or stereotyping them? Some of you will ask. Singapore had been through it's dark days of racial riots... you want to start one again today? I say oh shut up.

Anyway, I'm at nearby hawker center for lunch. There was a group of little sikhs (children who are sikhs lah... around 12-14 yrs old) eating ice kachang beside my table. Something wrong with their eating habits. Half of their ice kachang ended up on the table. So the end was like coloured water dripping down the table, flooding the floor, and they were clearly enjoying themselves (They were laughing heartily you see). People nearby gave them the disapproving stares, but what the heck, as if they care about their 'face' like that.

Although some of you may have that 'Oh c'mon they are still kids' stuffs, I disagree. I'm quite disgusted by their behavior. But I did not went up to stop them 'cos I scared they may throw ice kachang on me. So being a true Singaporean, I continue to eat my fish noodle. Hey... if they really throw ice kachang at me, what should I do? Punch them and ended up in jail (My age makes me eligible to go to jail)? Spew vulgarities at them, while they laugh at me and continue to throw MORE ice kachang on me? I don't know... you help me to decide.

Ok... back to my point. My point is, I have a feeling that the minority race in Singapore (especially Malays and Sikhs), feel that they are constantly being discriminated. They have this 'under siege' mentality and they will not hesitate to retaliate (especially against Chinese). Am I wrong here?

So...... my experience with minority race has always not a pleasant one. But I really hope to be a friend to at least one of them. You see, I'm not that bad or difficult to get along anyway. I also hope that this negative mentality will cease and trust between different races will prevail instead.

As for the group of little sikhs... well I believe that they have thoroughly enjoy themselves, and I managed to finish my fish noodle without trouble, the malay cleaner will clean the table without complaining, and the ice kachang seller happy ('cos he had sold 5 bowls of ice kachang). You see! Racial tolerance....


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