The Good Life

Monday, December 12, 2005

Outstanding Issues

"NKF reserves can last for 6.7 years"
- The Straits Times, 09/12/05

Ok. I don't care. Just behave yourself and I will be ever so gladly to donate. And please make the treatment cheaper and more accessable to those who need it.

"Do they know it's Christmastime at all?"
".....Africa, where several countries have been hit by famine mainly because of a severe drought and a lack of aid from the world community."
- The Straits Times, 09/12/05

I bet you don't even know some of the African countries exist. What should we do?

"US left out in the cold at global warming summit"
- The Straits Times, 09/12/05

US should not be left out in the cold. US should be... thrown into the fire. From my impression, Singapore did not acknowledge the Kyoto pact too. Tsk tsk.

"IR race: Five left as Tabcorp, Wynn drop out"
- The Sraits Times, 10/12/05

Hope all drop out, wuahahaha..

"ST journalist's detention extended"
- The Straits Times, 10/12/05

Situation seems familiar with the Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi in Myanmar. I'm expecting the local government to do something. *Staring into space*

"Churches sprouting up in tsunami zone"
- The Straits Times, 10/12/05

C'mon, not these kind of nonsense.

"Move Israel to Europe"
- The Straits Times, 10/12/05

Just when I thought the world is making progress in the Israel/Palestine conflict, a dickhead from Iran said this shit. *clap clap*

"Haven for druggies- and taxpayers pay for it"
- The Straits Times, 11/12/05

This may be the best. Front page, and in red colour background too. Ok, so we know the plight of our poor Aussies. Tit-for-tat? What the fuck. You give us information about the drug situation in Australia, now I want the drug situation in Myanmar. Hey, ST editor, did I see your balls shrink?

What a busy weekend.


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