Softie Droppies = floopies
Finally i know wat is our problem, at least according to me n i want to write it down b4 i forget. Being too soft is a no-no definitely. Wat is being soft. it means u r always neutral to things, or rather indecisive, afraid to voice wat u r thinking n most imptly having too little self-confidence. Wat they like are guys with character or attitude at the extreme end, but it is definitely no gek seh,it is only a thin line in btw the two. Sometimes tryng to be too nice will also make u lose ur 'hardness'. It is alright to be nice but know how to control yourself. They like pple to show concern but not persistent reassuring of their wel-being. Show some confidence n character but give some space. Be sincere this is the very upmost impt , dun attach any agenda to whatever things u do , esp for them personally, it will only make u look hypocrite. Take bold n sincere steps towards them but at a steady pace n u will hopefully not be dropped, again.
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