The Good Life

Friday, September 03, 2004

A Visit

Couldn't get to sleep. Tossing n turning.... then suddenly someone called my name. I get up n saw a man sitting on my bed. WTF.... i tot tat some joker climbed into my rm n trying to rape me.
"Dun be afraid... i come in peace." the intruder said. Hey tat statement seemed funny to me. "Im Gabriel, one of the thousands angels in Heaven. Heard tat u r encountering some problems." He dun seem like an Angel to me leh. No flashing lights... no aura... no wings... no halo on his head.... not wearing a white robe but T SHIRT N JEANS??? Cant see the brand though...
"Ya..." was all tat i can say. I nearly fall off my bed when he said he read my blog.
"U noe wat's the whole problem? It is u. All the problems r centred at u. All abt u, u and only u. Better not be so self centred though." he said.
"But if i dun think of myself who will?" i tried to defend.
"God makes so many pple on earth so tat at least one of them will care abt u. Why dun u try to think more of others so tat ur mind wont be so depress? Think of others, help others n u will be happy."
Again i wan to say wat-abt-me thing but he disappeared. Hey tot this thing only happened in the movie. But since he can disappear in front of me... i will not doubt his 'ability'. Hmm.. will try his help-others theory. Maybe i will be more happy. Yeah.... an angel visited me in the middle of the night.


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