The Good Life

Thursday, February 03, 2005

David VS Goliath 2

Okok... I'm not siding anybody here. MM Lee's contribution towards Singapore is there for everybody to see. However it is also a fact that there are people who are not pleased with the many policies that he and PAP implemented.

With Singapore fast becoming a one-party country (Don't give up, Mr Chiam and Mr Low! There are people supporting you too!), is there really democracy in the country? I have to say that the competition that the Opposition threw up are quite weak. Well I think there are no fast solutions to that. As Singapore is encouraged by the government to "open up", I believe there will be some up-and-rising politicians joining the Opposition party. Ok then, lets wait and see.

Are the people's voices being heard by the government? Selectively I believe. One can argue that the government still has the final say in every matters. But then I don't wait them to give the impression that they are listening by letting the people speak and behind the curtains answers are already concluded (Take the casino debate and preserving natural habitats in Singapore for examples). That will be real hypocrisy man.

Aiyoh.. don't know what I'm mumbling over here. Maybe because I'm not into politics. When I'm free I will give this topic a much needed thought.


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