The Good Life

Friday, May 20, 2005

Caged Bird

I'm starting to wonder if I did the right thing.

I spotted a bird (not sure about it's breed, but got a crest on it's head) standing on the pathway this afternoon.

I went near it and it hopped away.

Curios, I went even nearer. It hopped away again.

Confirm: This bird can't fly.

Judging from this scenerio, I believed that the bird will KO if it can't find a shelter soon. No food, no water, no shelter, cannot fly, sure die.

Then I went to catch it.

There is a spare bird cage in the house. But that's for small birds. I had no choice but to house the now frightened-out-of-it's-life bird in it.

Now, with food, water, shelter, safe and sound, the bird should be happy?

But the longer I looked at the bird, the more I regret about housing the bird in such a small cage. It can't really spread it's wings, not to mention trying to fly. I have to wait for my father to come back and deal with it. Think there will be 2 scenerios: Either my father went to buy a newer and bigger cage for the bird, or he will give this bird away.

Bird lovers anyone? Got better options?

I remember reading from a book that once US customs caught a smuggler trying to smuggle some exotic parrets into US. They brought the parrets to a zoo for safe-keeping. One of the keeper, feeling sorry for the birds, open the cage to free them. Once outside, the parrets were confused. Then they went back into the cage! What the fuck!

This does not show that the birds are happy in the cage. They had already lost their ability to fly and their desire of freedom. In short, they are going to die in those cages.

It set me thinking whether the animals in the zoo are happy and contended. Someone said they are.


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