The Good Life

Friday, May 20, 2005

It's War!

My brothers! To arms!

Arise and protect your pride and dignity!

Rise! Fellow men. Rise! And face your enemy!

Those bitches said we are whiners!

They said they are better than us!

What is this?

This is war!!!

Hey, ever since somebody crying for equal rights, the whole world tried to change on how we deal with women. Laws were passed, regulations were improved (at least in few parts of the world, though I must say in some places women are treated like shit) to protect and help women. Or ladies.

Now they are turning the tables on us.

I say, let them come.

I wonder how many women/girls/ladies/aunties are losers.

Ok, not are guys/men/boys/uncles are good people. But if a female (fingers pointing to the girl called Sheena, from NTU Mass Com so more!? My dear.... who appeared on today's Newpaper) met so many males and none of them are good, that says a lot about the female. She only attract losers.

Now, before all Xena warriors with their war cries came running towards me with battle axes, let me said that I'm not a male chavunist.

I love my mother, and I fiercely protect my sisters.

But if a girl outside my circle comes along and criticise me and my brothers in sweeping statements, I will not hesitate to give you the hair-dryer treatment.

If you are good, even better than guys, so be it. You need not denouce that all guys are whiners or lousier-than-thou.

If you want my side of story, I can tell you that I had came across girls who are lousy, short tempered, lazy, vain, act-like-a-princess, behaves-like-a-retard. Girls or boys, they are all humans. And no humans are perfect.

But while reading the NewPaper today, it made my blood boils. It's damn one-sided. Let me tell the girl whom she said that some of her girl friends went around washing their boy friends' laundry, that maybe they do it on their free will? Maybe they thought it's alright and that's their way of expressing love to each other? My mother also washes clothes for the family. What's wrong with that?

Now I'm angry. Looking forward to what the NewPaper got to say on tomorrow's issue. Anybody willing to lend me? 'Cos I won't be buying the NewPaper. I am condenming it for publishing such a rubbish 'story'.


  • hey u got the full article or not.

    i understand the report said undergrad girls said 70% of guys are 'immature and whiny'.

    such reports... make my blood boil!!!

    but this being TNP, i suspect their sample size was 10.

    and yeah, a lot of women who are fighting for equality want to have their cake and eat it. (ie they want equal opportunities, yet they still expect guys to pay for dates, play gentlemen to them, defend the country, etc)

    cannot forgive them liao... esp that Sheena. unless..... she is a hot babe?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, May 20, 2005 10:25:00 pm  

  • Heard from jinx tat SHE IS A HOT BABE. In this case, i think a bimbo.

    By Blogger darren, at Saturday, May 21, 2005 3:33:00 pm  

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