The Good Life

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Doggy Thoughts

A bad start to my day... and the rest of the day crumbles before my eyes... whew.. sucks. Operation code name Fish Tank had started and will estimate to last about 2 weeks. It's not that I didn't maintain my fish tank, but I'm amazed that there are algae on the glass. Cool. Both my sucker fish had KIA and algae are out in full force. No choice but to scrub the walls. My overhead filter had been downed for 3 weeks. After changing the water, I went to buy 2 algae eater fish. This type of algae eaters are cuter than the normal ones.. yeah. Ok.. next I will buy a new overhead filter. Then I will buy some shrimps and tetras.. time to save some money. I will introduce these things slowly so that the fish community won't feel so stress.. that's why it will take about 2 weeks. Hah.. a new look to my old fishy tank.

I want a dog. I want a dog. Will do some research on it. Estimated maintainence will be near $80 per month bah.. Having a dog means I need to spend more time at home bah.. and I would really love that. Maybe it will brings me more joy. I will call it lazy doggy.. wuahahaha! As for how I will have money for it's maintainence.. maybe I will do some canvassing during the hols.. wooohoo..

It's going to be 12 midnight.. and I'm starting to lose it.


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