The Good Life

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Smile, Even In Defeat

Many people sulk or curse or whine or fret or sink into depression when things don't go their way. I admit I am one of them. But I'm trying to change. Because I don't like this feeling. Why should we react in this way? Because we can't accept the results? This time I will smile. Even if it is a forced one. Hypocritical? I hope not. This smile will reminds me that everything will be ok. It will reminds me to react accordingly. I tried this method recently. During training... when my head got whacked by my opponent, I just smiled back. As long as I'm standing... this guy is going to get it from me. When things don't go according to my way... I just smild to myself and said.. O yeah.. time for plan B. It's ok to feel disappointed.. I often told myself. But remember to get back on your feet afterwards. YES... YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER THAT. Or you will just be another smiley idiot on the streets.

Tomorrow is Monday. I hope everybody will have a good start for the week.


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