The Good Life

Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Why trapped? I am a carefree person... can go whereever I like! But it rained in the afternoon.

Actually I got lots of options available to me. But really tired lah... after the run in the morning, then fall asleep. Woke up... then contemplating where I should go.... then it rain. Yeah... save me the trouble of going out. But then... shit... that means all my plans started to snowball into a big pile of shit liao. Will do something tonight. Yah must!!!

Suddenly I feel very busy. Actually it's just a false thought. I must slap myself for that. This entry will be a reminder to me not to think that way.

Well.... if I'm still alive and kicking after these few days... then I guess I'm a damn lucky asshole. (I will not elaborate)

The Dark Side

The Police have identified one of my dark side. His name is LazyMe.
"He makes me lie on the bed not doing anything. He makes me just stare at the TV/computer screen and not doing anything. Yah! All his fault! He made me do it... I'm innocent!"

The Police have decided to prosecute LazyMe. If convicted.... LazyMe will spend XX years behind bars.

The Police have also send people to check out on AngerMe. The Police have admitted that they don't have enough evidence to prosecute AngerMe. In another words... AngerMe is not breaking any Law at the moment.... his actions are verified.

Monday, November 29, 2004

You asked for it

They called him 'Ginger Ninja'. Posted by Hello

Critics... eat some ginger bread man.
If Man Utd wants to find a permanent replacement for Keane... looks no further than Liverpool. Gerrard is stunning. Commited, great passer of the ball, energetic... two thumbs up!
Vieira o Vieira... I used to admire you. But your constant shouting at the referee and now the audacious fall at the Liverpool match forced me to look at you at a different light.
Opinions changed.
Man Utd... the ball is in your half now.

Cumulative Effect

You stepped on my toes once, I shrugged it off.
You stepped on my toes second time, I told myself it's alright.
You stepped on my toes the third time, I sighed and tried to forget.
You stepped on my toes the fourth time, I started to feel the pain.
You stepped on my toes the fifth time, I stared at you.
You stepped on my toes the sixth time, I told myself to cool it.
You stepped on my toes the seventh time, I walked off to keep the situatoin under control.
You stepped on my toes many times, I will................ feel very pissed off.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

My Best Friend

If I can go anywhere I like... with my best buddy.... not to be chained by the troublesome affairs around me... how nice! Where o where is my holiday? Posted by Hello

Relak!! Look at the bright side. Don't worry. Smile! =)

The Face Of Jesus

Sometimes it's easy to just quote something from somewhere and use it as an evidence. Maybe can try to 'think between the lines'. Even Jesus spoke in parables.
The disciples came to him and asked,"Why do you speak to the people in parables?"Jesus replied,"The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him."---Matthew 13:10-12. Why not raised some doubts and clarify with the seniors of the church? There are lots of wisdom to be learned from the Bible.

From the Old Testament, I agree there are lots of laws and rules. The name of God strikes fear among the commons. Remember when Moses descended from the mountain his body was glowing in God's glory? Everyone was afraid to go near him. How could they forgot that when God is with them there will always be 1) fire 2) thunder... What about the rules for the priests to perform rituals to God? Phew... there are so many... and it's not common for a priest to die while performing a ritual to God. In short.. to 'lower' people, God is unapproachable, fierce, rigid and too-high-a-leader to follow. I also found the Old Testament 'too holy' for my liking.

Here comes the New Testament. Hey somebody called Jesus appeared. He claimed to be the son of God. Hoho! A living God among the commons? This guy did no wrong (at least according to the Bible)... and a lot of 'different' things. To all the Pharisees and Sadducees (Even now I still don't know what are their roles in society, but Jesus often call them hypocrites), what the 'different' things that Jesus did was against the law of God. Huuh? Son against the Father?
Jesus ate with tax collectors and 'sinners'.--- Matthew 9:11
There was once during Sabbath that Jesus disciples were hungry and pick some corns to eat.
"Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful in the Sabbath." the Pharisees said.
Jesus answered,"Haven't you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry? He entered the House of God, and he and his companions ate the consecreated bread-- which is unlawful for them to do, but only for the priest..... I tell you that one greater than the temple is here..... I desire mercy, not sacrifice."--- Matthew 12:1-7
Looking for a reason to accuse Jesus, they asked him"Is it lawful to heal on Sabbath?"
Jesus said,"If any of your sheep falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take hold of it and lift it out? How much more valuble is a man than a sheep!"--- Matthew 12:10-12
Some Pharisees and teachers of the law came to Jesus and asked,"Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don't wash their hands before they eat!"........... Jesus said,"What goes into a man's mouth does not make him 'unclean', but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him 'unclean'."--- Matthew 15:2-11
Some Pharisees came to test him. They asked,"Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason?"
Jesus answered,".... what God has joined together, let no man separate.... Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.--- Matthew 19:3-9
The teachers of the law and Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery.
"Teacher (jesus), this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?"
Jesus said,"If anyone of you is without sin, let him to be the first to throw a stone at her." When he saw no one condemned her, Jesus said,"Then neither do I condemn you. Go now and leave your life of sin."--- John 8:32

As you can see.... the Old Testament is very different from the New. I believe that the reason that there are so many sets of rules for people to follow and punishments to be done is because God is TOO HOLY. Hence Jesus came.. to act as a bridge between us and God. One of my church teacher once remarked,"If we must follow the Old Testament... everybody will go to Hell." Jesus came to preach healing, mercy, compassion, love and sacrfices. If one read the Bible literally... then Jesus's parables will be like little children's stories. But there are lots of hidden meanings behind them. Whether or not you want to use the Bible as a benchmark for setting laws... it's up to you.

And I believed incest is BAD.

Hope you are at least a bit enlightened. I'm not at all a devoted Christian either... so got doubts it's better to approach the wiser ones in church.

** Above extracts are mostly from Matthew because I feel that they are more than enough. For more information can refer to the Bible. Please read both the Old and New Testament.


When God Says No

"There is no fix right or wrong... isn't it? Everything is based on your beliefs and principles."
--- From entry 'Nature's Call', 22 Nov.
Yes...? No...?

Bashir (the guy accused of masterminding the Bali bombing) will said he is not wrong. To him... he had a different mindset from 'normal' (or you want to call it majority?) people. He is right and the rest are wrong because of the way his thoughts and beliefs are set. So is he really a bad guy? (Above are based on assumptions that Bashir is guilty) What about Osama?

There are many people in the world... and everyone have different sets of thoughts. There are many issues in the world that leaves many people with their opinions divided. War on terrorism.... gay rights... abortions... just to name a few recent ones. Even the building of a casino in Singapore.. Mr Yong Teck Meng said:" My reasons for oppsing the casino stems from my values which are shaped by my Christians ethos and education." -- from the Straits Times, 22 Nov.

I am glad that religions 'help to maintain a certain stabality' in the world. It is a certain world order... and thank God most religion promotes peace (did I say.... most?). But it is also disturbing that some clever ass twist and turn a simple religion into a killing tool. But if a person had a thinking that is different from the religions... and said that he is correct. Will you believe?

As I said... each religion has it's own sets of 'rules and regulations'. Here is something to ponder... "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"
Jesus replied:"' Love the Lord with your God with all your heart and with all your soul and all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it:' Love your neighbour as yourself.'"--- Matthew 22:36-39.
I think about it carefully.... and feel that if everybody can think like that, then there won't be all the hurtful incidents around.

** I'm not trying to promote any religion over here.

I Thought I'm Trinity And They Thought...

Watched Trinity in the Matrix Reloaded... where there was a highway chase and she cut through the on coming cars like knife through butter? I thought I'm trying to imitate her....

While riding on the expressway, there was a scooter zooming past me. SCOOTER!! I glanced my speedo and it was... 100km/h. My reaction... chase him! Yah... I did overtake him again, squeezing through cars and thundering along the expressway like I'm Valentino Rossi. Then... an old grandma appeared beside me and ask me if I want to die. Ok lah.. the grandma thing is bullshit. But that thought did flash across my mind. I slowed down to respectable speed and had a safe journey home. Safety first.

I watched 'Jiao Dian' (Frontline) from Ch 8. addicted to that episode immediately. About Singapore idols. I nearly choked on my Hokkien Mee when those girls spoke of how they love Sylvester. Kaoz... I.. (ok.. no personal attack).. but what I think is that these girls are crazy. Fullstop. When ask how she will pay the phone bill, one girl said that she will pay half and persuade her parents to pay the rest. I wanted to throw my chopsticks at her.
Next is about the retirement age that had been raised. One uncle said... in a candid and 'funny' expression, that bosses will tell the old people to 'zou ren' when they reached 60 years of age... so like there is no difference in whether the Govt raised the retirement age or not. I laugh... because of the way he expresses himself (really funny) and how true it is. Mindsets have to be change...

People nowadays really have 'funny' thoughts.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Motivation Story 2 : Life is a Do-It-Yourself Project

An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family.

He would miss the paycheck, but he wanted to retire. They could get by. The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes, but his heart was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials. It was an unfortunate way to end his career.

When the carpenter finished his work and the builder came to inspect the house, the contractor handed the front-door key to the carpenter. "This is your house," he said, "my gift to you."

What a shock! What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently. Now he had to live in the home he had built none too well.

So it is with us. If we build our lives in a distracted way, reacting
rather than acting, willing to put up less than the best. At important points we do not give the job our best effort. Then with a shock we look at the situation we have created and find that we are now living in the house we have built. If we had realized that we would have done it differently.

Think of yourself as the carpenter. Think about your house. Each day you hammer a nail, place a board, or erect a wall. Build wisely. It is the only life you will ever build. Even if you live it for only one day more, that day deserves to be lived graciously and with dignity. The plaque on the wall says, "Life is a do-it-yourself project." Your attitudes and the choices you make today will be your life tomorrow, build it wisely.

Motivation Story 1 : The Two Pots

A Water Bearer in China had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole, which he carried across his neck.

One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water. At the end of the long walk from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.

For a full two years, this went on daily, with the bearer delivering
only one and a half pots of water to his house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, for which it was made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do.

After 2 years of what it perceived to be bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream. "I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side causes my water to leak out all the way back to
your house."

The bearer said to the pot, "Did you notice that there are flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side? That's because I have always known about your flaw, so I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you water them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, we would not have such beauty."

Each of us has our own unique flaw. But it's the cracks and flaws we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding.

You've just got to take each person for what they are and look for the good in them.

'Joke' of the Day

Hi all brothers (and one sista), I have a joke here that I really want to share with all of you. I hope it can help you all to forget all your problems for a little while and bring a smile upon your faces.

Q: What is the greatest fear of the writer of a blog?

A: Getting writer's block!

I'm Fine... You Leh?

Once I said my role on Earth is to help the people around me (something like that lah... hehe..). I tell you lor.. it's a really difficult 'job'. People may look at you in a manner you least expect.. like "what the hell did a loser like you trying to poke your nose in my business" or "Shut up.. I know what I'm doing"...... *beats my chest and look up to the sky*

Difficult because people won't accept my help.
Difficult because I often screw things up.
Difficult because I'm sometimes too occupied with myself.
Difficult because I'm afraid.
Difficult because I alone cannot create the desired impact.

I may be a passerby to you.. but I hope my footsteps can create an impression in your life.

I hope I can dump my bad habits. Working on it.

Let me try...
To jinx: Finally heard something 'good' from you. Strike while the iron is hot.
To nikki: Don't know what you are doing nowadays... most probably busy with softball and hall stuffs. Hope to see you representing school in IVP!
To fat busterd: Marathon training? Work on it man. Don't forget the mental training! We will run together.
To Khoo: Waiting for your soccer games man. Jia you for your exams!!
To Lampard/Lampole/whatever: Can feel the heat... but don't worry. It's ending isn't it? Can relak after exams. Looking forward to see you.
To CS: What no money..? Hmm.. we will think about a solution. That is supposed to be a gathering leh. Maybe we will go..... Chomp Chomp?
To the world: Watch it man... here I come.

Enough rumblings... time for some dumplings....

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Football Quotes

"This has never happened before. No, no, no never before. Never, never, never. I think it was the first time in my career."

- Jose Mourinho, on losing a 2-0 lead to Bolton over the weekend.

And my personal contribution:

"What is the best thing to do when you lose 5-0? Well, it is to prepare for the next game."

Char Kwey Tiao One Packet

Buy one of my fav food for lunch (the one selling at the market near my house is the best I've eaten). Hoho.. saw the couple's children helping out at the store. Very cute and friendly kids. I will continue to buy from them. Loyalty is in my blood.

Suddenly there was a roasted chicken on my lap... and it was talking to me. "Kiss me so that I can become a real chicken and run away!!" I looked around and saw that it was from the chicken rice store next to the char kwey tiao store. The chicken rice seller was waving his chopping knife like he was trying to kill some flies.
"Erm... but you have just ran away.." I replied. "But I want to be a real chicken!" it said in a sad voice...
"Hey where is my chicken??!" the seller shouted and saw us. "Nah li pao (where can you run)" with that he came charging out.
"Kiss me now!!" I had never kissed a roasted chicken so I hesitate.
"Ah boy... your packet ready." The lady said... dangling the steamy-and-mouth-watering food in front of my face. I paid for the food and go home.

** But I really saw a live chicken wondering around... pecking on the floor. It is strange that nobody gave a damn about it.


How to Good-Bye Depression: If You Constrict Anus 100 Times Everyday. Malarkey? Or Effective Way?
by Hiroyuki Nishigaki

Some reviews:
Reviewer: Alexander Blake from Singapore
100 times is clearly too few, and who has time for more?
And by the way you can't do this in meetings at work. I've tried.

Reviewer: A reader from San Diego, CA
This book is better than lithium. I was depressed for years until I came across Mr. Nishigaki and his incredible anus book. I was skeptical at first, but after only a week of the recommended anus exercises, I could feel my spirits lifting, my buns firming and my blank-shooting ability reaching new heights. It's now been three months since I began the program, and I feel as if I've finally mastered my emotions. Nope, no more crying jags at the liquor store...for me. Instead, whenever I get down or feel as though I might need to abuse myself, I simply stop, concentrate on crushing the imaginary walnut in my anus and-BLAMMO!-all depressing and/or criminal thoughts are gone in a single squeaky fart. Of course, the resultant hemorrhoidal burning and itching can suck a bit, but I just think of it as the price one has to pay for rectal sanity.

Above extracts from Mr Brown's blog. If you want his link... contact jinx.

So still depressed? Let me try ah.... (-_-)"

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Tissue Seller vs Harmonica Player

"Arh.... this is a good spot." Seng talked to himself and put down his stuffs. A big plastic bag full of tissues packets. "Hope today I can make some decent business... I'm hungry lah.." he thought to himself. Seng is a 30+ "self-employed" man trying to sell tissues at a busy Bugis street. He had recently read the Newpaper about a young man begging at Orchard Road. It has brought criticism from people but the young man is unfazed. "He is my idol man," Seng thought to himself and smiled. Then from the plastic bag he took out 3 tissue packets... and started to give passer-bys a pitiful look on his face. "3 for $1..." he said in a sorrow voice.

He heard somebody playing the harmonica.. a very sweet music flooded his ears. He turned around and saw an old lady.. probably in her 70s... sitting about 5 meters away from him playing a harmonica. "Wah lau... ah mah.. trying to snatch my business ah?" Seng muttered to himself. A well to do tai-tai came along... saw the 2 of them.. and gave the old lady a $5 note. That angered Seng. When nobody seemed to be watching, he throw a series a vulgarities at the old lady. "Why don't you go another place to play with your litle toy?" Seng ended with a huff. But the old lady did not seem to hear and continue to play with her harmonica. That infuriated Seng even more.. he picked a stone from the pavement, make sure nobody was looking, and flinged it at ah mah. It struck her at her forehead... though no external wound resulted. But the old lady was emotionless and continue playing!

Seng just shook his head... could not believe what he saw. He was so angry when he saw a few gentlemen giving her money that he threw the tissue packets to the ground. He don't want to confront the ah mah... afraid of creating a commotion. Resigned.. he just sat there and do nothing. Tried as he might to shut out the music, his ears gave up and listen. It was peaceful and warming.... like there was a sad story behind the music... a story about determination, struggles, joy and sorrow. The more he listen, the more guilty he became for what he had done to her. He turned and looked at her, and felt ashamed of himself.

Seng gathered his stuffs and walked away... determined to get his life in order.


When you are in grave danger... who will come to your aid?

WHANGAREI : A pod of dolphins were being praised Tuesday for providing a protective barrier around a group of swimmers who were being threatened by a great white shark off the northeastern coast of New Zealand. ---Channel Newsasia

Apparently the dolphins spotted the shark before the swimmers.... and tried to protect them. My instant reaction.. what? What have humans got to do with dolphins? Why the dolphins save the swimmers? Hey the attacker is a great white shark.... and I think the shark is not afraid of the dolphins.

In life when we need help, sometimes a kind stranger will appear and offer their assistance... though the problem is not theirs. That is way cool man. Yah.. not to forget your family members and friends around you. Next time remember to say thanks ok?

Save the environment/dolphins please.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Nature's Call

When things get complicated...when situations get tangled up... it is good to go back to nature. Immersed yourself into the greenery, feel the fresh air... listen to the sound of wind... any green place. Nature Parks... gardens.. if not any quiet place also can. Sit back, do nothing, think nothing.. enjoying God's creation instead of human-made things. And you will realized how different the real world is from your 'utopian world'.

There is no fix right or wrong... isn't it? Everything is based on your beliefs and principles. If you are one preson who always follow the crowd... that says a lot about you.

** The majority is not always correct.

Argh! An Orange Dragon Dancing At My Void Deck!

Got woke up by those drums man. Those dragons and lions are here. Here to welcome a guy called Mr Situ. So noisy that I cannot get back to my nap. The PAP guy had turned the outdoor carpark into an outdoor dinner gathering. Quite a big event... over 2000 people expected to join and got lots of performances... and he is not even the MP of this place! Where is Mr Chiam See Tong??!

Guess it's all about compromise. Gays are here to stay... racism will be around to haunt people... hypocrites will be around to irritate me... not everyone have the same idealogy as me I admit. Hope that these 'negative' things will be 'controlled' and not rampant. Ok let me point it out that I don't have anything against gays... but if you people pissed me off rest assured that I will crush your balls.

About compromise... yah.. life is all about compromise isn't it? Have to accept that people will have different views from me. Realised that Mr Sim Wong Ho is not as popular as I expected. Though I thought he got some fantastic stuffs out there... there will still be critics. People like Agagooga shoot down my comment just like that *with a snap of fingers*. Geesh...

What else?... Yah... I know there are anti-Man Utd people out there. Everything about Man Utd is baaaad... Remember the season that AC Milan won the Champions League. The next day I'm wearing a Man Utd jersey walking around. At a bus stop filled with 'muds'... one fucker actually shouted at me Man Utd sucks. Straight in the face. That time I really don't know how to react. First time encountering this scene. Just stare back at him. Luckily my bus came immediately and I boarded it. If in my current status and I'm faced with the same situation again... I will not hesitate to reply with my middle finger. So what they got more people? At least I will break the guy's leg even if the whole gang tried to touch me. *My Angel: Aiyo... what happened to all the tolerance...*

Life is about compromise.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

That Includes You, Pte Blithe

Pte Blithe found it tough in war. Though he is physically in the battlefield, he is not making himself useful at all. To escape reality, he plunged into self-denial. He thought he was blind. He couldn't see a thing.

Yah... his situation is caused by combat stress. But his method, is used by many of us in real life. When the going gets tough... we will shrink back, when results to not match our expectation... self-denial and self-condenmation sets in. All these are self inflicted wounds. It's like shooting yourself in your foot. It's normal to get lost once in a while... but one has to quickly find his orientation and move on. There are many Captain Winters and Lt Spiers around... cajoling their men.. urging them on... tried to raised their morale.... but all will be useless if the soldiers isolate themselves. Cheer up.. stay positive.. and rejoin the platoon. Don't always stuck in the trench.

Above characters are from Band of Brothers.

Friday, November 19, 2004

What Happened To Our Dear Tag-Board?

It has been down for... a week? Hey... if this continues, I'm going to dismiss it for AWOL.

Fine outing in the afternoon... because lots of people turned up and I threw my money around...

Looking forward to my 'carefree' days... that is no disturbance from school work. Yah and I hope my ECA don't pissed me off. Actually I don't consider it as my ECA... more of a hobby I guess. Not very involved in the committee because I don't want... and I train for pleasure and ambition. *shrugs my shoulder* Well just let me train in peace won't you?

Hey jinx I hope you got the job... because I want you to introduce THAT GIRL TO ME!! Wuahaha! C'mon man..

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Jelly Legs Go Hoho...

To all drivers... do you really check your mirror and blindspot before you change lane? CTE is really one scary place during it's peak hours. Even before I enter CTE from Braddell Rd, this damn big lorry cuts through the chevron and into my lane. If I did not anticipate where the fucker is going... guess I won't be here. And I have to squeeze through cars through out my journey. Don't do that lah... you say. I say... difficult. Because other drivers expect a motorcyclist to do that. If I follow behind the jam at a slow speed.. the car behind me will stick very close... too close for comfort. I have develope a habit of talking to myself during my travel. Think that will keep me alert and entertained bah. Not to forget that I threw some vulgarities at stupid drivers who irritates me.

After I risked my life to go training, then *thunder strikes*, there is no training. I find nobody there and I called the coach. She said she last minute cancelled it and forgot to inform me (??). I did not feel angry... since she sincerely apologised to me. So i go Causeway Point walk walk lor. Then I saw 4 policeman staring at me. Can't blame them. Who will be walking around in such rag tag attire in a shopping centre with 2 big bags (one for clothes one for helmet)? Saw a lot of nice clothes and noticed a chio water bottle from Lakan (hope I remember the name correctly). But no money to buy! Guess right now I should be content with bargaining with the ah bengs from Queensway Shopping Centre. Hey.... there are also some VERY CHIO salesgirls man. If I can work in those boutiques it will be.... nice. Enough said.

Able to catch The Oblongs from LiteBox, Arts Central. Stupid-loser-funny show. But I enjoy it. I strongly recommend to all of you.. hehe.. Now waiting for Romance of The Three Kingdom to show... oh by the way... as a mark of a new beginning... xiaolong will be called.... Milo!

It's Over! Or is it?

Ok.... let's move out! Weapons on me!

Results of watching Band of Brothers. Third time.

Exam's over... what's next? GE's exam? Oh what the fuck!

Don't intend to plan anything for this hol. I threw away my 'battle plan' liao. Want to try something new. That is spontaneity. Thought of doing something... do immediately. You jio me out... I free.. go. You got lobang... I free... take. Will have extreme results I guess, that is either I achieve a lot for this hol or I did nothing but rotting at hm. *shudders*

I like to read other people's blog. It's like reading a story book. I will bookmark those whom I found interesting... so you should be glad that I keep on going back to read your blog eh? That's why I thought blog writing should be 'real'... that is your real thoughts and ideas... bullshit is ok.. as long as it's original and real. You don't blog for others to read... like that your way of thinking will be different from the true you. Eh too chim? Ok then forget about what I said.*gasp!! Quote from Lt Spiers, BOB* Thanks to nikkon for posting Brotherhood... after download can watch liao. Yeah back to blogs... too bad some of them don't have the comments tag. It's fun to post a comment then the fellow reply back to you (even though he/she don't know you). Haha....

Looking forward to The Romance of The Three Kingdoms tonight. *rubbing my hands in glee*


The korean movie "Brotherhood" was one of the most touching show i had watched. one of the few tt can actually make me cry i had to admit.Esp for pple like teck, cj n sm who have brothers n experience bro rivarly, conflict, this is the show u must really watch. i had uploaded the 5 parts to the movie to the following links in acending order(stsrting frompart 4-8) :

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Are You A Soccerball?

Duhh... can't really plonk my ass down to study for Effective Comms. One moment I'm watching Band of Brothers... with my sound system doing it's good job that my mother have to come into my room to ask me if there is a war going on.... next I read soccernet. Proud of the Man Utd supporters over in UK. Did a damn fantastic job in blocking Glazer's attempt in taking over the club. Thought I can concentrate if I shut off my computer, but went to watch Japan VS Singapore. Again... I thought the Japanese fans are fantastic. Filled the whole stadium with their blue jerseys. Not to forget the flag wavings and loud chantings. Cool...

Singapore did well. Ok not a pretty sight as Japan is far superior than us. Thought Singapore can snatch a shocking equaliser when Dickson is through on goal. But his shot is well parried away by the keeper. Only 2 teams will draw me to the TV set whenever there is live telecast. One is Man Utd... the other is.. Singapore team. Yep... I'm keeping track on Singapore. Would like to see more chinese rather than.... would like to see more attacking flair instead of always clearing the ball first time. Right now there is only Goh Tat Chuan... I want more more MORE!! I'm not impress with the foreigners though. Ok.. I will not go into personal attacks.

When can Singapore have such a superb fanbase like Man Utd or Japan? The Japanese flood the stadium even though they knew that Japan is fielding it's second strings and it's opponent is Singapore. I once ask people to go Jalan Basear to watch Japan VS Singapore with me... but with reasons I forgot liao.. I didn't go. One day... one day I will go Old Trafford to dance with the fans over there.

Why We Fight

If pictures can tell stories...

Will these marines feel that their actions are justified? Posted by Hello

Why are they fighting? Posted by Hello

This little boy will grow up and learn about the heroics things done by his father. Posted by Hello

What about this Iraqi boy? Posted by Hello

Why is he crying? Posted by Hello

Will the Iraqis believe after they saw the destructions and actrocities done by the Americans? Posted by Hello

How Much Land Do I Need?

I woke up and went to the field as usual. Digging the ground and fertilising the crops till afternoon. I picked a shaded tree and sat down to wait for my lunch. I have quite a big land... but it's not fertile... not ideal for planting. Started to think of harvest time and I did a mental calculation of how much I can get from selling the harvest.

I heard the barking and saw my dog running towards me... with my beloved wife trying to catch up from behind. "Smells nice!" I remarked and started to dig in. While eating, I began to complain to my wife about how lousy our land is, and how fertile the land from the east are. "Dear, our land is fine... after the harvest we can use the money to buy another plot of land so we can grow more." my wife said. I kept quiet as I continue eating, and thought that still the harvest will not be as good as those from the fields of the east.

At night I picked my stuffs and walked home. Upon reaching, I saw a stranger in the house. "Dear, Mr Han is a businessman from the east. He travelled by and ask for a lodging for the night.. so I welcomed him." my wife started to introduce me to him. From the east? I began to ask him questions... Mr Han started to fill my with informations that tell me how fertile the lands are... how the farmers over there always enjoy bumper harvest. "The mayor there is the best... those who wants to buy land from his county have to go through one test. The buyer can determine the size of his field... that is he can travel how far he wants and have to come back to the starting point by sun set... and the land is his!!" I nearly choked on my rice when I heard that.

The next morning I started off with Mr Han. I am determined to meet the mayor... and buy some of his land. My wife wanted me to take the dog with me... and I saw a worried look in her eyes. "Don't worry... I'll be fine. We will be rich when I get back." I assured her.

The mayor is pleased to meet me. Gave me a wonderful dinner and told me the test will start in the morning. That night my dog was by my side.. sometimes barked at nobody..

It was a beautiful morning. "Remember.. back by sun set.. and the land is yours!" the mayor said and I set off. With quick steps I walked, and stopped to dig a hole every 200 meters. Like that they won't have a chance to deny me of my land.. I thought. I will turned right after that junction.. I thought between pants. I skipped lunch as it will waste my time. Then I only digged a hole every 300 meters... I started to drag my heels. In late noon.. my dog suddenly dashed in front of me and head towards the starting point. It turned around and started to bark at me. Another 300 meters dear...

I saw the setting sun. I increased my pace though I'm tired. Have to reach the starting point or everything will be wasted. From the horizon I saw the mayor. "The sun is setting! Hurry!" I looked and I saw the sun was already halfway sinking into the horizon. I panicked and began to run. The mayor cheered me on.. laughing along the way. He seemed to be enjoying himself. Hurry hurry.. I told myself. The sun was 3/4 down... I ran even faster. My dog was running behind me... barking very loudly. 100 meters more... 50.. I started to feel dizzy..20.. I gasped for breath.. 5.. with a shout I threw myself to the ground.

I saw my beloved wife crying. Why are you crying? I got ourselves a great plot of land! I told her. She did not hear. I turned and I saw. My body lying on the ground. Undertakers were measuring my height. 1.7 meters. They started digging. 1.7 meters of land is all I need.

Have some simple tea

Ever try giving urself feedbacks, as in audible one not just in the mind, u might be amazed by how much u will be influence by this audible feedback. like when u are running n u hear urself panting, as u pant louder subconciously u will tell urself u are getting more n more tired. So if u try to listen to some music form a player instead of the panting sound u will not feel as tired. likewise in life if u keep complaining when ever the going get tough, it is like the negative feedback that u are giving urself when u run. it will only make u feel more tired and hapless and wanting to give up. so where is the 'music' in real life. i must say that it is all the encouragemnets and supports from friends, family and even people that u dun know. They are the music that u should be listening to in order not too be too focus on the going. And from there hopefully u can gain ur strength to stay in the run. worst come to worst stop running n have some simple tea with ur friends/family.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Fifth blood drawn!! Can start to burn my tutorials liao! Wait!! What if......

I found a new hobby. That is leaving my comments on other people's blog. So exciting and happy to see them respond. Well maybe they won't if they think that I'm playing a fool... but at least they did at the moment...

Yeah!!! No more talking to the wall!!

Okok... my battle plan for the hols is about to complete. Do you guys want to join me? Then put on your gear and move out! Follow me!!

The Reason

i'm not a perfect person. there are many things i wish i didnt do
but i continue learning. i never meant to do those things to you.
and so i have to say before i go, that i just want you to know

i've found a reason for me, to change who i used to be
a reason to start over new, and the reason is you

i'm sorry that i hurt, its something i must live with everyday
and all the pain i put you through, i wish that i could take it all away
and be the one who catches all your tears, thats why i need you to hear

i'm not a perfect person, i never meant to do those things to you
and so i have to say before i go that i just want you to know

i've found a reason for me, to change who i used to be
a reason to start over new, and the reason is you
i've found a reason to show a side of me you didnt know
a reason for all that i do, and the reason is you

Monday, November 15, 2004

Rise And Fall....

I have noticed..... that there are only a handful of sorry people still using ICQ. The rest have convert to MSN. To the remaining people using ICQ.... what is the reason? Still struggling to keep in contact with their friends? Why not change to MSN? ICQ has become obsolete... though no fault of his. Because people stop using it.

Yahoo groups? Who can still remembers that it has a band of followers in it's glorious days?

Haha.... what about Friendster?

Internet has make communication easier.... or has it? The tools are there... no doubt. But has people tried to use them to their fullest potentials? I don't know. And I can tell you it has become easier to lose contacts. You go think about it. And if people are using the tools... I believe the lack of courtesy can make it an irritating affair. Sometimes I longed for the days that telephone and snail mails are the only contact available. Communication tools have improved tremendously... but the people who are going to use them have not. Well I can't expect everyone to have the same wavelength as me, I often told myself this.

The aurthor of 'adrift-at' from antibody's blog... is experiencing something that I am experiencing too. Maybe I will give it much thoughts after my papers tomorrow. Tuesday here I come!!

An Old Man Wondering Around

Currently sinking myself into the songs of Beyond.

Tomorrow 1 paper. Thur 1 paper... then... free? Hmmm..

Mother has been asking me when my exam finished. Before I can bother replying to her she already said that after exam go help my father. *clap clap clap* There goes my dream part time job. But I won't forsake my training.

I just hoped that this damn exam quickly finished. Not that I'm stressed out or what... but it is hindering my life. So useless.

My cute sister said that I'm so 'old' that I'm listening to a 'old' band like Beyond. Me old? 22 going 23... yah hor... the numbers a bit 'big'... but I'm still waiting for my break through. Hmm... Liu Bei got his when he is 28 like that... so that means I still got time? Argh what rubbish thought is that.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Thinking Aloud

A swollen right instep is added to my list of injured body parts... included a bruised left wrist... and how can I forget I my 'little brother' got a good hit?

The coach did something different today. She stood there... ask us to kick her and then she will counter. *Gasp* Might as well tell me to go and die. This is the scary part. She knows I'm going to attack her. I know she will going to counter. I know she is damn good. I know she is a National fighter. I know she will see through my little tricks. I know.... so that is like there is one 'she knows' and lots of 'I know'. Haven't start and I have lost the fight liao. In the end? No prize for guessing right.

Similar to what's happening in real life. I know what will be the consequences of doing something. Consequences that I don't like. I hesitate. I procrastinate. Then either the opportunity slipped away... or I had make a mess of the situation. Like my coach once remarked :" Just close your eyes and kick." I find that funny when she said it. She also pointed out my 'damning' mistakes. Maybe I should watch more of Fight Club.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Chill Out (Cheer Up)

Though we are into the last week of exams (I mean for the NTU dudes).... I sense sianness and gloom... or desperation? WTF!!!

Sometimes I don't whether to laugh or scream at you people. But you guys really irritates me sometimes. *shaking my head*

To jinx: The songs you sent me are actually quite nice. I like 'Sparring Partner' and 'So Nice'. Anyway I think you are at the crossroads. Good to look out for cars... but don't stay there for too long.

To nikkon: Can sense your stress level going up. Take care though.

To fat busterd: *continue to shake my head* Hope things are better for you.

To everybody who haven't complete their exams (including me) and other who haven't started theirs: Jia You Jia You!!!

If too stress can try playing Pac Man... courtesy of kxwor from antibody's blog. It's fun!! Actually thinking of going out later... but then the sky immediately turned dark! Why like that?

Friday, November 12, 2004

To all thy lovelorn

They asked me how I knew,
My true love was true,
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I of course replied,
Something here inside,
Cannot be denied.

They said someday you'll find,
All who love are blind,
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, when your heart's on fire,
You must realize,
Smoke gets in your eyes.

So I chaffed them, and I gaily laughed,
To think they could doubt our love,
Yet today, my love has flown away,
I am without my love.

Now laughing friends deride,
Tears I cannot hide,
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, So I smile and say,
When a lovely flame dies,
Smoke gets in your eyes.

Smoke gets in your.. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEyes. (emphasis added onto the appropriate parts)

by BeaNora on 09-04-2002 @ 05:31:50 PM
Well, this song's meaning is self explanatory I guess. But it took me years to understand what does the line "smoke gets in your eyes" mean. One day I was smoking. I was a novice smoker then, so accidentally the smoke got into my eyes. and then my tears came out. then only i understood. when a lovely flame dies, you'll cry. :p

by Theo Reo on 09-29-2004 @ 08:16:07 PM
...That's not the meaning. It's about how when you fall in love, you may think it's true love, but there's a good chance that it's not because love blinds you (smoke getting in your eyes). Favorite song of all time. I'm almost in tears every time I read The Catcher in the Rye, and this song plays at the end.

Blah Blah Blah....

The slack mode is ON.

Actually wanted to do lots of things in the morning. Go Central deposit money--> buy season parking--> rush back and go for a jog at MacRitchie--> afternoon study--> evening workout--> clear my cupboard--> watch Romance of The Three Kingdoms. In the end I woke up late and it ruined everything. I did NOTHING at all. Ok... think I can still watch Romance Of The Three Kingdoms. Lesson learnt: Don't cramp everything in one day. And once you decided what to do... MOVE YOUR ASS AND COMPLETE IT.

I had planned what I'm going to do tomorrow.

I once told someone I will be devastated if I fail.... and the pain is still there. Ouch.

Watch a rerun of Band Of Brothers. Realized the importance of one's belief and attitude towards life... why we fight... leadership and friendship. That's why I love war movies.

What kind of exam question is this???

If you were asked to set the exam question for this course and you were told that the question must cover the whole course as opposed to being limited to one specific tradition, what would the question be? Begin your answer by stating the precise question as it would appear on the exam, then explain why, given what you have learned and studied, you think your exam question would be a good exam question for this course.

Exclusively Live From Iraq

US marines had taken control 60% of District 3B, or what they claimed... but fierce street fighting still persist in many areas. The US casualties are estimated to be 3 dead and 7 wounded... and the rebels deaths are estimated to be 37 killed and 46 captured. Helicopter gunships rained suspected insurgents hideout with machine gun fires and air-to-surface missiles, supporting the ground troops as they tried to gain a foothold in the city.

Ok look over there... Marines are storming the brickhouse in an attempt to flush out the militants hiding inside. And at my 2 o'clock direction medics are carrying another wounded marine to safety. Hey look.... there.. 4 o'clock! A militant is spotted shooting at US Marines positions from a rooftop! Now the marines are responding with small firearms. A signaller is seen shouting into his radio's speaker... probably calling for air support to take out the enemy.

"Hey Murphy... you come here! Will you stop wandering around?" I ran to Prospar side... behind the wall. "I can't concentrate on my job while you are exposing yourself to danger, stick to me you dig it?" This time he did not give me a wink. I followed Prospar and two of his section mates into an empty building and we went up to the roof. His section mates took up positions at various parts of the roof. Snipers... I regconised.

Suddenly motars exploded around us. Prospar and one of his mates huddered at one corner. "This is crazy man! We are facing some hardcore militants instead of rag-tag foot soldiers. The top people lie to us!" One of them spoke to me in condition of anonymity.

I will end my special report over here. This is Murphy... live from Iraq.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Exclusively Live From Iraq

"Hey you better stick to me... if you lose sight of me I can't guarantee your safety. It will be rough out there, you dig it?" Cpl Prospar turned around and gave me a wink. I slightly nod my head, wiping sweats from my forehead. It's abit crowded in the Bradley vehicle... Capt Myers assigned Prospar to protect me... and I'm travelling with Coy 2 of the 2nd Battalion US marines.

Time is 0923. We dismounted from the vehicles and gathered at a relatvely quiet neighbourhood. Seeing my puzzled look, Prospar gave me the answer. "Yeah... we are supposed to go to District 3B, but we are dismounting here and will be going there by foot. Vehicles make a lot of noises and easily ambushed, you dig it?" Again he gave me a wink. I'm starting to feel a little iritated.

1029. The soldiers spread out along the streets. Nobody spoke a word... using hand signals instead. Suddenly an explosion occured on my 3 o'clock direction. It seemed like a marine had triggered a roadside bomb. Medics were attending to him and claimed that he was in a stable condition. The battalion signaller caled back HQ for a helicopter to airlift the injured back.

1057. The company continued walking. Streets were deserted. There were some Iraqis in the city... unwilling to leave despite the on-going battle. Many marines were actually afraid that some were militants in disguise and will not hesitate to pull the trigger. "We are supposed to liberate the Iraqis, but now we don't know whether they are friends or foes." as Prospar had once said.

1203. Company set up a perimeter defence and were taking a break. Capt Myers told me that after the break they will enter District 3B and begin their assault. Estimate timing will be 1330. I will end my report here. Will report back live once the assault starts. Murphy... live from Iraq.

I Am Thinking.... Are You?

Man Utd got a win... though it's only a Cup win... what heartens me is Saha scored. He is a good player, I say better than all the other 3 strikers. Got a good touch... strong heading skills... can play with both feet... and packs a stinging shoot. And he is not arrogant. See how his chest downs and bulldozing dribbles got past the Man C defenders easily last match? No? Fuck off. It's a pity he is not on the scoresheet. I demand Ferguson to play him every match... and the bengster Rooney can suck thumb on the bench. Soccernet said fans are getting more quiet during home matches... I say gimme a ticket to Old Trafford anytime... and I will cheer them all the way.

Ooo here is another debate... about gays. These particular group of people caught my attention because MOH splashed them out on the newspaper. And it's related to AIDS. Fucking scary man. I mean ok... if you don't want to discriminate against you... CAN YOU FUCKING BEHAVE YOURSELF!!! Sorry about the vulgarities... but I felt my existance is under threat. I certainly hope the Govt is not going to give in and legalise gay marraiges. I will protest outside Istana if it happens. You said try to be in their shoes and show some sympathy? Oh I can't imagine myself in their situations. Ok ok... I try not to be too emotional over here. Imagine, imagine, hmm... I still don't understand why these things happen. Maybe I can't understand as I don't have any gay friends. There are some people telling me that the gay population in Singapore is increasing. Here is the funny part. If they are born with it... that shows the parents in Singapore got some problems with their sperms and eggs is it? Or is it there are some rude awakening among the people in Singapore?

Ok lah... this entry is written by an amatuerish-no-brain-but-straight-as-an-arrow-man. Viewpoints are based on me as an individual... and I accept that there will people who don't agree with me. Cheers.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Q: So, what are your hobbies..?

A: Well... sometimes I like to scan and defrag my hard drive. Yup.

Exclusively Live From Iraq

It's exactly 12 noon on my watch. Explosions can be heard in a distance. From my distance I can see a row of houses being flattened by what it seems like artillery fire. There are reports coming through that the US marines and Iraqi soldiers had reach the heart of Fallujah. But still there is no official comments on that.

Resistance against the US forces are sporadic... as the insurgents are pinned back by precise bombings from artillery and helicopter gunships. However the US forces will not have their advantages in this battle as this is urban warfare and they have to take care of civilians casualties. It is believed that there are still many militants holeing up in their positions... waiting for the marines to pass by.

Ok... I saw some militants passing by.... "Americans go back! We don't want you here!" said one holding an RPG. "They said we are murderers. But they are killing our brothers too. They are stealing our oil. The government is useless. They are just puppets for the US." said one identified as Zhahali. "We will die as matrys!" the rest shouted in chorus. Suddenly everybody scrambled away. About 3 streets away I spotted a US tank rumbled towards us. Oh fuck it is firing at us! For Christ Sake what are they thinking!! I will stop for now... this is Murphy reporting live from Iraq.

Fourth Blood

I cannot finish the paper. But everybody said it's normal. Seniors... fellow classmates said this module it's impossible to finish the paper as there are just too many equations to derive and diagrams to draw, though it's an open book paper. Yeppie... I believe them.

Today I did not have much time to observe the people around me... as I am struggling to complete the paper. I believe given longer time I can complete it... but sitting on the chair for more than 2 1/2 hours will be torturous to me. But now it's over... you know like there's a fish that jumped out of the river... then struggling to get back and gasping for breath... then it flipped flipped flipped... thinking it would die any moment... then flipped flipped flipped back into the water. Imagine it's huge relief and joy. Hmm...

haii... my mind will be at the screen-saver mode at the moment... would not be on till further notice. Unless you are a chio bu.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

DiDee DiTit.....

Hoho... what's happening... why the sky starts raining and my pen stops working? Why is there a halo on everybody's head and and wings on my textbook? Why is there a cloud on your face and an ant swimming in my soup? Things are not things.... you are not you... I am not I am...

Monday, November 08, 2004

Third Blood

I'm suffering from a serious loss of blood. Please don't help me... let me die....

Still got 40 minutes left.... but I'm pratically done with my paper. I did not complete it, fool... it has lots of unanswered questions. What to do? Write rubbish lor. The problem is I don't even know what rubbish to write. I look around... glad that I'm not alone. One stare into space. One put both his hand on his head. One girl keeps drinking water. After the paper I purposely remained seated so that I can hear what others said when they walked pass me. After that cannot help wondering what is the purpose of this exam paper? Just a formality? Or an obstacle to round up stupid people in the name of meritocracy? Shame... it's a shame...

Let the fourth one come bah! I'm immune liao! And it didn't help that Man Utd draw despite dominating. It's like that lah. You can do everything right.... dominate, create chances, shoot on goal... but the stupid ball just won't go in. You play with passion and confidence... but the game is not won. I am disillusioned.

Sunday, November 07, 2004


I met a girl who sang the blues

And I asked her for some happy news

But she just smiled and turned away

Taleban High

Maybe studying in Taleban High will be a good idea! It is regconised worldwide... good and enthusiastic teachers.... most important.... lots of practical handson!!

"Good morning klass, today's lesson plan will be like this... hey Hussien, why your head dress soo messy? I wad you to write 'I hate Amelikans.' 500 times. I wad it after lunch. Arse I was zaying... morning will be bomb making session. After lunch phere will be arms drill pluz obstika courze. The obstika courze you will jump over wallz... do crawling on da sand... throw stones ane swim acroz a krocodal full river. Undastand? Thoze who survived will kome beck in da evening do shout 'Osama is Great' 1000 tames at da palade square then can eat dinner. Undastand? Goed... letz revise yerstaday lesson... what shuld you do if you hav a glenade and goat a platoon of Amelikans soldiers koming along? Yes Sadir... NO NO STUPID! You dun throw da glenade at them. You shud pull out da safety pin ane run towardz tham... remember to shout 'Jihad' 3 timz. Undastan? Ok letz kelli on wif our lezons...."

Hey polls showed that many Americans are immigrating to New Zeland after the election. Haha... think Bush got to do something to calm his people. Speaking of New Zeland... I want to go there for a holiday too. Not to forget I want to go at least once to Old Trafford... Spain... Switzland... Turkey and Israel.

Take That... And That!

Currently blasting Jimmy Eat World from my CREATIVE sound system.

What the fuck... cannot take it man. Turbines... Heat pumps.... Refrigerators.... Heat Engines... Compressors... Nozzles... their efficiencies... more and more.... all got different formulaes!!!! Well done! How am I going to memorize all that? Wohoo!! I give up! Here is my white flag! Here! Here! Can't you see it idiot! --I-- Here! On my middle finger! Thanks to you! I GIVE UP!

Man Utd! You better win tonight... or heads will roll!!!!!!
Arsenal flunked again... your real threat is Chelsea now!! Yeah! Wes Brown is staying! So you guys better steamrolled all over City... or I will... cry.....

No way... I'm not going to shorten my lifespan for you... no chance.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Health Tip

How to cure mosquito bites in 30 mins:
Got bitten by a mosquito today, got very pissed. I noticed I had this bottle of deep heat lying nearby, it's called Ammeltz Yoko Yoko. I was thinking since it has a menthol flavour, would it help to ease the crazy itch coming from the mosquito bite? (At that time this stupid mosquito had bitten me in SIX areas.) Surprisingly it worked wonderfully!


1. Apply the deep heat solution generously on the mosquito bite. The idea is to try to 'flood' the bite, i.e. make sure there is a thick enough film of water covering the bite.

2. The deep heat will dry in around 5 mins. Reapply the deep heat again when you see it drying. The idea is to keep the film of deep heat on the bite for around 30 mins. Repeat this step as when necessary.

3. You will notice your mosquito bite swelling in a very scary manner. Sometimes it can even swell up to 10 times its original size. But don't worry, it's normal.

4. After some time you will find your itch going away. Finally when you see a white residue forming on your skin at the mosquito bite area, you can stop applying the deep heat. Probably by this time the itch is completely gone.

5. Your mosquito bite will start to subside and shrink. After it has subsided completely (after about 1 hour) you almost won't be able to see it. It's a miracle cure! No more resorting to Mopiko, medicated oil, etc etc.

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Lampard

Ditit Ditit.....

Mode: Damage Control

Stay at home all day trying to study... but NO USE! Can't get anything into my mind. This time can die liao. SOS! HELP HELP! MAYDAY MAYDAY! Yah.... shout all I want, what can words do? Better return to my textbook. Yeah... forced to study subjects that I'm not interested at all.... studying in Singapore ROCKS!!!


Chee Soon Juan did it again... I want to ask, "Is there no one else?" Dr Chee had failed to 'give a good explanation' for not attending the Sept 6 hearing, and 'he has lost the ability to tell the truth'. I feel sorry for the opposition party in Singapore. They lack credibility.... look at Dr Chee, the one who ran waay (Teng Liang Hong), and got one Indian guy who is bankrupt right? What the hell, I can't even remember his name... got some who got strange hobbies (oh that guy who likes to take his pictures in nude)... shit I forget his name too. And one who suddenly disappear from the scene... Mr Liu Cheng Qiang who hailed from Hougang. Haii... think I can only remember Mr Chiam See Tong (hey did I spell his name correctly?) from my hometown!! Too bad he is hitting his 70s soon. Next election I would like to vote for him. Yah... provided THERE ARE STILL PEOPLE LEFT IN THE OPPOSITION PARTY. Kaoz... even if there is a walkover, I would still like to vote. That is, any people who is running the election must be voted, whether there is competition or not. If I don't like that guy, I will vote a 'No' to him... even though he will still win because of walkover. This way he will know whether the people in the community likes him right??

The Opposition Parties in Singapore really need to buck up if they want people to support their cause. Maybe there can be sort of Presidential Debate... like the one in the US? Yah wouldn't that be better than some joker running behind ex PM Goh shouting 'where is the money?'? Something has to be done... and I will give this a thought after exams bah... hehehe...

On a lighter side.... wooohhoo! There is a new suspensoin bridge in MacRitchie! Again... after exam I will conduct my usual jogging regime but this time I will walk the bridge too man.. haha new experience for me. Yeah.

Kaoz.. Manchester Derby on Monday morning instead of Sat night. Forced to give it a miss liao.. fuck..

When Strangers Meet

What happen when strangers come and accidentally meet one another? Great things will happen! This is the case for Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. It's the Romance Of The Three Kingdom! Now showing at Channel 8 at 1100 pm on Thursday and Friday. Though this is not the first thime I'm watching it... but I still enjoy every moment of it. Yep... I had watched every second of the movie. Never fail to amaze me of the plots and ideals of those historic characters... my favourite character is Zhao Yun, because he is handsome, brave and smart too. Can't wait for Zhuge Liang to appear as I think he is the smartest among all. Currently considering to look for it's VCD or sorts to buy and keep. Worth keeping leh.

After watching the first 4 episodes, what strikes me is the scene where Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei met and sworn to be brothers in such a short while. Cool.... those people really trust one another man. Talked for a while.... realize that they sharedthe same dreams.... realize that each of them were man of honour... then Ahey! They became sworn brothers. Yah and in those time kids could be Emperor too. What strange ideas they got in the past.

Will I meet Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei in my life? Oh yeah.... I'm Zhao Yun. Wuahahah...

Second Blood

Kaoz... second paper only and I'm feeling the heat. 2 papers in 3 days have clearly taken it's toil on me... my fragile body. Now there is little respite as starting on Monday there will be another wave of 2-papers-in-2-days. But after that.... I will be 'semi-free'! Wuahaha!!...

Firstly, I want to thank nikkon for taking so much time and effort to help me in SOM. Phew.... you are good man. Wish you best results for all your papers. You deserve it anyway.

Hmmm... prefer Can A than the NIE canteen. More 'lively' over there. For NUS and SMU dudes... jia you for your revision man. Soon exams will be over and we can come out and rot together. Yeah....

Now for the time-being let Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park rock my world. And not to forget to give special mention to 'Reason' from Hoobastank... think I'm addicted to that song at the moment...

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The Setting Sun

The sun was setting in the horizon. Soon darkness would fall upon this damned place. News of Bush winning the election really dampened my spirit. I was supposed to go back home last Monday... but now the break was postponed due to the Unit's re-deployment. I would be staying here for at least another 2 months. Thinking here, I could only shake my head, resigned to this fact. I missed my home. I shouldn't be here in the first place. This war should not happened at all. It's Bush and his oil. His failure to convince me that this war is on terrorism irritates me. We are all his pawns in his own game. Damn it.

Time was 1833. The loud-speakers from the mosques that were blaring the evening prayers were no longer there. Replacing them were the militants' message condemning the Americans and calling the local residents to take up arms for an uprising.
"Alright guys, this is it. Let's end this once and for all. Make this the final and decisive assault on Fallujah ok? Then we can rest." Sgt Krack trying to raise the morale of us. "For Bush!" someone from the back of the Humvee shouted. Everybody laughed.

1847. "Dismount! All round defense!" I got out from the Humvee and take cover behind an abandoned vehicle. The houses that we were targetting seemed isolated. "Be careful of snipers.." Jimmy whispered next to me. I nodded... cursing Bush at the same time. Suddenly a burst of automatic fire came from one of the houses. "Fuck you! You asked for it!" Sgt Moss roared back. With that he directed the 50 HMG from the Humvees to answer back. "Krack! Get your man to screw those basterds!" Sgt Moss instructed. Sgt Krack immediately turned around and looked at me. "Miller, Erwin, follow me. The rest cover fire!" With that he charged forward. Too gang-ho for my liking. 3 men to raid a house? Suicidal man I thought as I moved my ass and follow Krack. "All the best.." Jimmy said and we exchanged some high-fives.

I thought I saw a bullet whistled over my helmet. We reached the door after much huffing and panting. Krack instructed Miller to prepare a grenade and pointed at me to bring down the door. With one mighty kick I crashed open the broken door and Miller threw the grenade inside with precise coordination. I could feel the shock wave as the grenade exploded. Putting on my mask and switching my M-16 to auto mode.. I am ready. "Go Go Go!" Krack led the way and we moved inside the house. Apparently the grenade had did its job well. 2 dead bodies inside. "Clear..." Sgt Krack said. I moved to the window and gave my guys the thumbs up. Suddenly something ripped my right chest and I fell to the ground. "What the fuck.. " Miller came to me and tried to gave me first aid. "Medic! Medic!" Someone shouted. Footsteps rushed into the room. The world starting to black out on me. " Oh shit.. I'm so sorry, didn't mean to shoot him.." I thought I heard someone said. What the hell... I miss my home...

First Blood

Got overran by the Maths paper today. Still in a daze when I left the exam hall. But glad that one paper down.. so like..... 5 more to go? Wooo... can't wait man.

Studying is becoming a chore for me liao. That should not be the case as although I am a slacker, but I still like to learn new stuffs and gain more knowledge. But guess that my pace is definitely much slower than others or what the University expect of for a 'good student'. "Does it really matter what grade I get?" Who can really said that loud to everyone? Bravo to you if you can. Is it really a case of sour grape or lost of hope for the one who said that? Will a guy who got As said that? To a guy who got As... is he real smart or exam smart? To someone who is struggling in his grades, is he really stupid and can he survive the outside world when he graduate? I think there is no right or wrong answer.... and the answer differs from everybody. Haii... headache headache..

The debate about good guys and jerks are too 'over-emphasis' liao lah. What's wrong with a good guy? What good about a bad guy? Again no model answer. But there seems to be a fixed pattern if one wants to enjoy his own life...
1) Be good to yourself. Don't torture yourself by doing things that you don't like.
2) Be good for yourself. Live your life for yourself ( and also for your love ones ). Don't let unpleasant things influence about your ideals and attitudes.
3) Be good about yourself. And you will exude confidence.

Kaoz... I'm hungry after all the ranting.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Call For Reinforcements!

Argh!! It's here... coming straight at us! To arms! Unshealth your swords! Draw your arrows! Blow the big horn! Dispatch messangers to call for reinforcements! On your guard!

Some of us have their first and even second papers liao... me soon. Haii... dreaded this feeling. Why? Because I am not prepared. Not enough. So..? Guess I can start the blame game after exams bah. Hoho...

She is surprised... but I felt relieved. Enough is enough I think. Good luck to everyone.... to all the good soldiers who are going to war. May God bless you are. Hope to see everybody backed alive and we will have our victory meal together.. yeah.

Good Guys and Jerks

here are some of the mistakes that most nice guys make:

- loses confidence easily to other men[competition].

- worships girls like gods.

- has no life, he fantasizes of having a girlfriend all the time.

- agrees with everything she says.

- gets too emotionally attached to girls. girls are not born for your sake!

- thinks that girls are made of glass: any form of vulgarity will break them.

- so desperate to please the girl, that they lose their sense of identity.

- easily stepped over like a door mat.

- nice guys do not like themselves. girls find it suffocating, obsessive, clinging.

- always gives in to the girls.


and here are some tips as well:

- if you want girls to like you, the first step you have to do is to like yourself. if you don't even like yourself, it's impossible for others to like you as well. when you start to like yourself, you will naturally develop the self confidence you need.

- you don't have to be an asshole just to attract the girls. learn how to strike the balance between being a nice guy and a jerk.

- don't wait till the girl of ur dreams appear, then you start practicing on how to talk with girls. talk to any girl, without being a moron. the worst thing that could happen is that she'll walk off. think of it as her lost, not yours.

- don't treat a girl TOO nicely. learn when to say 'no' and not to give in to her. this way, you're earning her respect for you as a MAN. hey, god gave you balls for some reason right?

i guess that should be enough for now.

Monday, November 01, 2004

OMG we r stuck @ 6

Pardon me but the more i read the more i think i shld share it wif everyone even if it takes up some of my time:
Here r the first 4 stages of conflicts by Erik Erikson:

1) Trust-vs-mistrust birth - 1.5 yr -
2) autonomy-vs-doubt -1.3-3 yr
here is where it starts

3) initiative-vs-guilt 3-6 yr
in this stage, the major confilct comes is btw a child's desire to initiate activities independently n the guilt tt comes from the unwanted n unexpected consequences.

4) industry-vs-inferiority 6-12 yr
this in stage the child will try to develop a sense of competence failing in this conflicts will cause a sense of inferiority n self-worthlessness.

5)identity-vs-role confusion adolescence yr
in this stage one will try to find his own role in the society, discover who they r , what r their strengths, n wat roles suit thembest to play for the rest of their life- in short find their identity.confusion over a stable role can lead to a lack of stable identity, adoption of a socailly unacceptable role such as a social deviant or difficulty in maintaining close relationships later in life.

6)intimancy-vs-isolation early adulthood
this stage is focus in developing loving, sexual relationship and close friendships with others. difficulities in thisstage result in feelings of loneliness n a fear of relationships with others.

though the conflicts cant be resolve completely, if one stage of conflict is not resolves appropriately or failure in the resolution then as one proceed into the next stage, it will bound to caused more problem as the conflicts got more difficult.

opps ... looks like we have quite a lot to catch up on


I checked my mailbox. NO NEW MAILS!!! This is the first time I got this problem. Anyway I'm not surprise. People are dying every minute. Once they are here... next they are gone. They expect you to do something for them. But they don't do anything for you. Then slowly there will be no contacts. Then slowly everybody dies off. Then I continue to ride my bike to search for the legendary chocolate ice-cream. If I continue trying to strike a conversation with the wall... other people might thought I'm a lunatic.

The Final Countdown

It's here. Finally. Better come quick I say.... everybody got bogged down because of you. Everybody going crazy because of you. Everybody forsake their soul because of you.